
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Helena Travel Info


Helena Dusty Roads Invitational
Jan. 28th-29th

Students will be school sponsored for the FULL DAY on Friday. The bus will leave from FHS at 7:00 AM sharp! Please be on time. Students may dress in comfortable clothes for the bus ride. Expected return time is between 12:00-1:00 AM.

Hotel Info:  
We will be staying at Baymont by Wyndham.
The phone # is: (406) 410-0620

Coaches Attending: 
Mrs. O'Donnell, Mr. O'Donnell, Mr. Antley, Mrs. Dilworth, Mrs. Dykhuizen, Mr. Hoskins, Mr. Weaver

All events will be held at Helena High School. 


Friday, January 28, 2022


2:30 PM Round 1 (Policy only)
4:30 PM Round 1/2
6:30 PM Round 2/3
8:30 PM Round 3/4

(Draw 30 minutes before rounds)
4:00 PM Round 1
6:00 PM Round 2
8:00 PM Round 3

Saturday, January 29, 2022


8:00 AM Round 4/5
10:00 AM Round 5/Octas
12:00 PM Octas/Quarters 
2:00 PM Quarters/Semi
4:00 PM Semis/Finals (POL)
5:30 PM Finals (LD/PF)

(Draw 30 minutes before rounds)
9:00 AM Round 4
11:00 AM Round 5
2:00 PM Semifinals
4:30 PM Finals
Extemp Draw 30 minutes prior to rounds

At Capital High School Auditorium at 6:30

                       PACK SNACKS and WATER BOTTLES.
Remember your TIMERS!