
Monday, November 4, 2013

Travel Info -- Great Falls & Corvallis


 Electric City 
Great Falls Invitational
Students will be school sponsored for the full day Friday, and the bus will leave from FHS at 8:00 AM sharp. DON’T BE LATE. Our expected return is sometime between 12:00 AM-1:30ish AM (we hope)—we’ll have the kids call when we reach Lakeside.

We will be staying at the Comfort Inn & Suites
# 455-1000

Coaches Attending:      
Mrs. O’Donnell, Mr. Antley, Mrs. Williams, Ms. Glazier, Mr. Meyers, Mrs. Niva
Tourney Schedule:        
All events will be held at CMR High School

                                                DEBATE EVENTS
Friday, November 30th                        Saturday, December 1st 
Round I            4:00 pm                        Round IV                 8:00 am
Round II          6:00 pm                        Round V                   10:00am
Round III         8:00pm                        Quarters                 12:00 pm
                                                         Semis                      2:00 pm
                                                         Finals                      4:00 pm

                                SPEECH EVENTS
Round I            4:00pm                         Round IV                 8:00am
Round II          6:00pm                         Round V                   10:00am
Round III         8:00pm                       Semis                       12:00 pm
                                                         Finals                      2:00 pm

Extemp draw will be held 30 minutes before each round

Awards ceremony will be held at 6:00 in the CMR auditorium


Other Items:      
Dress in Competition clothes throughout the day (including the awards)                        
Speech Students Remember your KITCHEN TIMER!


Corvallis Invitational
Students will be school sponsored for the full day Friday, and the bus will leave from FHS at 8:00 AM sharp. DON’T BE LATE. Our expected return is sometime between 11:00 PM and midnight—we’ll have the kids call when we reach Lakeside. 

We will be staying at the Super 8 Hotel in Hamilton
# (406) 363-2940 

Coaches Attending:            
Ms. Cummings, Ms. Woodman, Mrs. Inselman, Mr. Stephens 

Tourney Schedule:   

Speech / Debate  
Round 1: 4:30 PM
Round 2: 6:15 PM
Round 3: 8:00 PM
Round 4: 8:00 AM
Round 5: 10:00 AM (debate quarters)
Semis: 1:00 PM
Finals: 3:30 PM

Extemp draw will be held 30 minutes before each round

Dress in Competition clothes throughout the day (including the awards)